Covid-19 Preparedness Plan
1.Source control and cloth face coverings
When unable to social distance 6 feet apart staff are encouraged to wear a mask. Children are not required to wear a mask however it is optional.
Tours will be set up during non-operating hours at this time and face masks are required.
2. All children, staff, and volunteers will engage in hand hygiene at the following times:
Arrival to the facility and after breaks
Before and after preparing food or drinks
Before and after eating or handling food/feeding children
Before and after administering medicine or medical ointment
Before and after diapering
After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
After coming in contact with bodily fluid
After handling animals or cleaning up animal waste
After playing outdoors or in sand
After handling garbage
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available. ( Children will be supervised)
Assist children with hand washing
3. Cleaning and disinfecting:
Wipe down high traffic surfaces and areas will be cleaned in the morning and at the end of the day following proper cleaning
Toys will be properly disinfected a:er every use using a bleach solution and then placed out to dry.
Toys and supplies are not freely accessible throughout the day.
4. Arrival and Departure
STAFF: All will be required to wash their hands and have their temperature checked, using an infrared thermometer at the door. Staff will wear masks/face shields during drop off and pick up. PARENTS: Parent’s will not come into the building for drop off or pick up at this time. If a parent needs to come inside the center a mask will be required. A designated staff will do curbside drop off/pick up.
At drop off parent’s should assist their child out of the vehicle when a staff is available and bring them to the door with belongings. A staff member will take their temperature and sign them in. The child will wash hands when they arrive.
At pick up- parents should notify staff by calling the center 5-10 minutes prior to arriving to let us pack belongings and have children ready.
Staff will get the child ready with belongings and parents will assist children into the vehicle by meeting parents at the door.
5. Plans for sick children, staff, and volunteers
All personnel showing signs of illness are required to follow our health and safety guidelines.
Any sign of any illness, even a runny nose, a slight cough or what you believe are just seasonal allergies, your child can not be here.
If a child or any person in your home is ill, your child can not be here.
Children will need to stay home until they have been symptom free for 72 hrs.
Children can not be given Tylenol, ibuprofen, or any other fever reducing medication before attending child care.
Children will not be given Tylenol, ibuprofen, or any other fever reducing medication while at child care.
Children with a fever of 100 degrees or more can not attend and must remain home until they have been fever free without medication for at least 72 hrs.
If a positive case of COVID-19 has been exposed with a staff member or someone in our Tiny Sprouts Community, the MDH will be contacted for further direction for how long we will close. Please have back up childcare in place for these times.
6. Social distancing throughout the day
Group sizes will be kept as small as staffing allows for. Classrooms will be encouraging safe distancing when able.
Children and staff will stay in their respected classrooms throughout the day and limit any extra hallway traffic.
Visual cues will be placed on the floor to let children know where they should sit to promote social distancing.
During nap time, cots and cribs will be spread to a safe distance, as classroom space allows. Children will be placed head to foot when on cots.
7. Workplace ventilation
Our center will continue to maintain routine maintenance on our air ventilation systems. Outdoor time is always encouraged, weather permitting.
8. Playground use
Outside time will be staggered following our daily schedule. Safe distancing is encouraged during play. Children and staff will wash their hands after playing outside. High touch areas will be disinfected between groups and let sit for 30 minute intervals.
9. Meals and snacks
Meals will be pre-plated or served so that multiple children are not using the same serving utensils. Tables will be cleaned and sanitized before and after meals. Toddlers will eat in their classroom. Preschoolers will sit with their class only, at appropriately spaced tables.
10.Field trips and events
All field trips and special guests will be cancelled until further notice.
11.Communications and training
All COVID-19 protocol will be posted on the main bulletin board in the entry way. An email will be sent out to all parents and staff and will be available upon request.
We are in constant contact with local, state, and federal health agencies to monitor
the situation and are basing our response on industry best practices, governmental agency recommendations. On-going training will be provided to staff for Covid-19 Preparedness.