We will be closed the following days:

January 1st- New Years Day

April 18th- Good Friday

April 21st- Easter Monday

May 26th- Memorial Day

July 4th- Forth of July

September 1st- Labor Day

November 27th/28th -Thanksgiving

December 24th, 25th, 26th Christmas Break

Weather alert:

Please note that Tiny Sprouts Daycare & Preschool follows the Pequot Lakes School District for weather closures.

We will also communicate closures on our Facebook site and send messages to our families through the Brightwheel App

If the school district is 2 hours late. Tiny Sprouts will be 3 hours late opening at 9:30am.

If the school district is having an early dismissal for weather we will close early as well which will be communicated with you. If the school district is closed due to hazardous road conditions, we are also closed.